Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Have You Found Your Niche?

There is nothing more important to the success of your web site and e-business than finding a great niche. A niche is going to be a subject that you base your entire site around; something that your are passionate about and that excites you. A sport? A hobby? Anything that gets you pumped! It helps you if you know a good deal about it already so that the content comes easily for you.

Now the key to finding a great niche is something that is in high demand, but in short supply. Keyword research is a major component to helping you to find that out. It's going to take some research. Once you find that perfect niche and begin to add rich content to the site, you then find yourself a drop ship company (the Drop Ship Source Directory is the perfect vehicle for that) that deals with a product or products that fit your niche to a tee and you have a perfect site to build on and conduct business with.

The best way that I've found of researching your niche is by brainstorming, finding a good balance of supply vs demand and discovering those high-paying keywords. I found a great tool Search It! that works wonderfully for all that. This little thing really does it all for you. It sits in a small browser window that you can keep open all the time, so that it's handy just when you need it. The things that make Search It! shine are:

  • every search you could ever want, all in one spot

  • advanced searches pre-packaged

  • constantly being refreshed

  • most popular Search Categories are (in order)...
    • Keyword Brainstorming
    • Keyword Research
    • Keyword Competition
    • Reference Library For Content

It's absolutely free too and you all know how free stuff gets me excited! You can find out more and get the Search It! tool at http://searchit.sitesell.com/success92171.html

Use it and find that perfect niche!

Here's to your success!

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